“When I die, I really don’t care what you do with me. Just ___ ___ me. I don’t want you to make a fuss.”
Really? Are these the instructions you are leaving your family? Of course, it does not matter to you and you really will not need a fuss. You will be the dead one. They, however, care and they need a fuss. If you are thinking it is not so, take a minute and turn the tables. How would you feel if you lost them? Would you just ___ ___ them?
Most of the time someone is tempted to pass on these kinds of instructions, it is for one of three reasons. It is because the idea of dying scares them and makes them uncomfortable. Or, it is because they are thinking about the wrong person. They are thinking about themselves, not their survivors. Then there are those who have just never been to a funeral they liked.
All these reasons are understandable, but none are reason enough to leave your family with nothing. As Martha Graham, the famous dancer, once said, “There is a vitality, a life force, and energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.” Wow! Think about that! There is only one of you in all time. You are unique. When you die your youness will be lost to your family for ALL time. Surely your life and the impact you made on their lives deserve a gathering and a few words?
Instead of telling your children what not to do. Ask them what they would do. Try to gain an understanding of what will bring them some comfort. Talk about the budget. Go visit the funeral home and talk to the funeral director. Be honest and frank. Tell him what you like and do not like. Tell him what you would like your funeral service to include.
Life is celebrated in different ways today. The essential element is that those who knew you and those who loved you have an opportunity to gather. A good funeral home will help you put together a gathering that reflects you and provides comfort for your family.
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